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Mindful Art - Youth & Teen Art Therapy

Artist Painting on Canvas

What I do:

Art Therapy

Art therapy is a distinct discipline that incorporates creative methods of expression through visual art media. We provide different art forms and opportunities for youth and teens to express themselves and process information in a healthy way. Each session is tailored to your child's needs and interests to get them the best possible care. 

Counseling Services

Because of the recently COVID Pandemic we offer both small support groups, one on one care, and virtual sessions. All services are conducted with safety at the forefront and follow all standards for COVID related precautions. 

Specializing in:


“Child trauma” refers to a scary, dangerous, violent, or life threatening event that happens to a child (0-18 years of age). This type of event may also happen to someone your child knows and your child is impacted as a result of seeing or hearing about the other person being hurt or injured.

Self Esteem

A child with low self-esteem will more than likely be having negative thoughts about their worthand value as a person. Some general signs that your child has low self-esteem include: avoiding new things and not taking up opportunities. feeling unloved and unwanted. blaming others for their own mistakes.


Being a teenager is tough. Being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning/queer (LGBTQ)  youth is much more than just tough. It can be dangerous.

At a time in one’s development when conformity is the rule, LGBTQ youth are often ostracized and bullied. They can even be victims of violence because of their differences.

Hello, I am Dr. Durant

Here to Help Your Youth Through Art

Founded and overseer of all things related to "Mindful Art" I have dedicated most of my career to helping youth learn to cope with traumatic events and crisis primarily through the use of Art. Art on many different mediums is expressive and cathartic, and an incredible way to process information. I started my education at California Baptist University with a focus on Criminal Justice empathic on Juvenile Justice, in which I obtained my degree. From there I went on to gain my Masters and Doctorates in Clinical Psychology from Arizona Global Campus University. 


What People Are Saying

Art therapy has completely transformed my 16 year son. He has had a hard time recently with some life events outside of his control and had been acting out frequently. Dr. Durant and the team were able to help him process what was going on while also helping his creative side and developing his passion in textile arts. -anonymous 

Artist Painting a Mural

Let’s Work Together





500 Terry Francois St 

San Francisco, CA 94158

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